Sabtu, 15 April 2017

10 Tips to keep your digestive health

10 Tips to keep your digestive health - Some tips maintain digestive health by eating healthy foods and get a good habit. Digestive problems are very serious health problem but most people often ignore it and assume only mild health problems. Digestive disorders like constipation, constipation, and diarrhea panyakit sometimes still regarded as harmless. However, we need to know that if the problems are not solved immediately digestion over time can cause health problems were quite serious and can lead to dangerous diseases such as bowel cancer. Here are some tips you can do to maintain digestive health:

Tips to maintain digestive health

Avoid alcoholic beverages. Consuming alcohol has an impact is very bad for the health, if you want to live longer try to completely avoid it. Besides the direct effects that you can feel when uses excessive alcohol can cause heartburn, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, malnutrition and weight loss is not natural.

Avoid smoking. Avoid alcohol and avoiding tobacco is a package of bad habits you should avoid. Smoking is the cause of various diseases including kaknker dangerous, heart and digestive problems such as heartburn, peptic ulcers, and can also increase the risk of Crohn's disease and gallstones.

Exercise regularly. The benefits of exercise very much at all for health ranging from heart health, strengthen bones, to maintain digestive health. Research has also shown that regular exercise can help a person to avoid the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating and other digestive problems.

Avoid fatty foods. Research has shown that people who consume too much fatty foods especially those that contain trans fats, have a greater risk for developing colon polyps and colorectal cancer. Besides disturbing digestive problems fatty foods can also trigger a rise in cholesterol levels were the cause of many dangerous diseases.

Inadequate fiber needs. To get a healthy digestion you should consume foods that contain high fiber. A study has shown that people who meet their daily fiber can reduce the risk of hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, and constipation. Besides meeting the needs of daily fiber also can normalize bowel movements and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Drinking enough water. Lack of water consumption is one of the main causes of constipation. Constipation causes an imbalance in the bacteria, resulting in inflammation of the lining of the intestine, and may even lead to the absorption of larger molecules, a condition known as intestinal permeability.

Increase Good Bacteria. Not all bacteria is bad. There are more than 400 types of good bacteria in the digestive system. Of these, the bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bifidum acidophillus considered as good bacteria or "probiotics" because this type of bacteria may help maintain intestinal health. Some foods that contain good bacteria include yogurt.

Consuming enough protein. Protein can be obtained from two main sources of animal protein (beef, chicken and fish) and vegetable protein (soy, vegetables and nuts). Protein needs with adequate and not excessive also can keep your digestive health, especially proteins of species of plants, known as vegetable protein.

Avoid stress. Emotional control is very important to maintain your overall health. Stress can affect the way your digestive system. It also depends on how the person's body reacts, stress can also lead to channel food through the digestive system faster or slow down, resulting in the emergence of several gastrointestinal disorders such as abdominal pain or diarrhea.

Maintain a stable weight. Research has shown that individuals with overweight have a greater risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or better known as "acid reflux". not only that people who are overweight also may boost the risk of some diseases such as pancreatic cancer, gallstones, colon cancer, and cirrhosis or liver cancer.

13 Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair

13 Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair - We all, both men and women, would want healthy hair. Healthy hair can support our appearance to make it look more attractive. We do not want hair that's got dirty, dull, limp, and smell.
Well, so you can keep healthy hair all the time, you can cobain tips from us.

Here are tips to maintain healthy hair that you can apply:

Tip 1: Always protect your hair from the sun, wind and rain. Excessive exposure to sunlight, heat, dirt, pollution, contamination can make damaged hair. This can result in dirt piled up, causing the hair and scalp to become dry, and bias cause infections of the scalp. If necessary close the hair with an umbrella or a hat.

Tip 2: Wet hair is very fragile and easily damaged. Wet, stems and roots of the hair You are more prone to damage. After shampooing do not immediately combed, wait a few minutes until slightly dry hair

Tip 3: Use a conditioner after shampooing. Conditioner can help make your hair more straight

Tip 4: Do the conditioning correctly. Conditioners are formulated to seal moisture in the hair shaft. They are not intended for the scalp. start of conditioning about 2 inches from the scalp. Too much conditioner on the scalp will only make you an oily scalp.

Tip 5: Choose a shampoo and conditioner of the same type because it has the same formulation. Because it is made for a particular hair type and purpose always so biased provide better results
Tip 6: Avoid using a hair dryer on your hair You. The heat will absorb moisture from the hair thus making it dry and frizzy. If you need to straighten your hair with a straightening tool, always remember that hair protective wear before.

Tip 7: Avoid using hair band super tight, choose a soft cloth. Tight hair ties tend to pull your hair and this can cause damage.

Tip 8: When You are going to sleep at night, let your hair down on one side to avoid the tangle of hair.

Tip 9: Sleep on a pillow made of satin can to minimize hair damage due to friction compared bernahan cotton pillows and more.

Tip 10: When drying your hair, do with pressed. Do diggosok. You may dries hair faster but the amount of hair loss will be.

Tip 11: Use a hair mask that is suitable for the signs. Hair needs vary according to hair type.

Tip 12: Use cold water to wash it. The point of water at normal temperature yes, not ice water. Avoid shampooing with hot water

Tip 13: Eat right. Panampilan physical health will affect your hair. The more healthy you, the better the hair You look. Certain nutrients such as vitamins, iron and protein is essential for hair growth and health.

Tips to Maintaining Healthy Hand

Tips to Maintaining Healthy Hand - The hand has two definitions. The broad definition is a limb of the elbow to the fingertips, while the narrow definition is a limb of the wrist to the tip of the finger (inside called palms). Most humans have two hands, usually with four fingers and a thumb. If the fingers are bent tightly, the hands will form a fist. Besides humans, many other mammals have hands, especially from a group of primates. The thumb is also called thumb. Besides the four fingers of the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger.

tips on hand hygiene
Therefore, everyone is aware of the importance of hand washing will help in maintaining health. Hand hygiene should be maintained in order to avoid transmission of various diseases. Used to wash hands when it will hold the food, after defecation or urination and also after handling the pet is a timely and accurate manner.

Besides hand washing is important when it would touch the nose mouth and eyes because the hand is part of the body that many store growth of bacteria and viruses that can be transmitted. In addition to considering the frequency of hand washing important thing is how to wash hands properly that is often overlooked by the public, but to wash hands properly can determine your health.

According to the WHO there are various ways to maintain hand hygiene, including without using water and soap. Researchers have discovered a method to clean hands without using water and soap. The method uses Hand sanitizer containing preparation designed as the product used if soap and water are not available.

To be effective, these products contain at least 60% alcohol. In addition, these products also contain ingredients that can reduce the number of germs, although it can not eliminate all the germs on the hands. You need to watch out, use hand sanitizers that do not contain harmful chemicals such as bleach. To obtain maximum results, use hand sanitizer in accordance with the instructions for use are suggested.

Here are the steps Maintaining Healthy Hands (healt):

First of all you can teach your child with wet hands as high as his wrist mengalir.Gunakan the bottom up to the water flowing water, such as directly from the faucet so far to the development of bacteria in the water before use.

Furthermore, no less important is the use of soap. Soap can reduce germs and bacteria that are in the hands quickly so it is advisable to use.

The third is rubbing his hands palms by attaching the right hand to the back of the hand and then proceed to clean between fingers. Continue to the bottom and back of hands touching hands, rub with soap and wash well terahir your child's fingernails.

The fourth step is to rinse again with clean water thoroughly from the forearm to the fingertips.

What is often forgotten is turn off the faucet using tools, you can teach your child to turn off the faucet using a tissue or elbow so that the hands are not soiled by the germ again

Recently dry with a towel or tissue and avoid the touching objects around a sink when after washing hands. So if the habit of washing hands properly implemented will assist you in maintaining a healthy child, especially during the rainy season and avoid various kinds of diseases.

How To Maintain Healthy Feet

How To Maintain Healthy Feet - For most men or women, the feet often unintentionally forgotten as in the case when the bath. Whereas the foot every day covered by shoes that are more susceptible to germs or harmful bacteria. Maintaining the health of the foot is important you know. This is because the foot is the only 'vehicles' that can accommodate any of our daily activities. If your feet are experiencing a problem or illness, your activities must also be follow-up is limited.

Problems are often experienced in the legs usually smelly feet or foot problems that dull. Actually trivial yes, but the foot turned out to be one of the factors for us to feel confident. To that end, then keep your foot health and hygiene. Do not assume trivial any matters related to toe, this is because the foot is one of the most important organs to support each of our activities. There are some tips that you should follow on how to maintain the health of the feet in order to stay healthy, clean and avoid all kinds of problems related to the foot. Want to know what? Let's refer to the following discussion.

First of all, often you wash your feet at least 2-3 times a day. Washing the feet not only wet feet with water, but wash it off with soap. By rubbing the soap gets good foot sidelines palms and fingers. You can use your hands or with a sponge or scrub. With this, foot odor and bacteria and germs of evil can be overcome. Better yet you do this also at bedtime.

Second, schedule your time to cut toenails. Usually the nail has grown long in two weeks, then you should start diligent scheduled to cut the nails. This can avoid the dirt in the toenails. So that the feet remain tejaga kebersihanya.

Third, to avoid the toe or heel dirty and suffered cracks do the following steps ini.Rendam your feet in a basin or bucket of warm water or rashes nails. Then add 1-2 teaspoons of salt. Then let your feet soaked in 10 minutes. After that, dry with a towel. Let stand for 5 minutes in advance. Then simply rinse with plain water and dry back. It can relax your legs are tense due to a day of walking and it can prevent foot odor in bacterial and moisture are shoes or socks.

Fourth, do not use shoes or sandals that are too narrow. This will actually make your legs become smelly. This is due to the foot being forced to adapt to the shape of the shoe, so that the legs more easily depressed and bacteria and dust is more easily assembled. Then, use sandals or shoes that have a bit of leeway.

Drinking Coffee Can Provide redundant Bad Impact Following this

Drinking Coffee Can Provide redundant Bad Impact Following this - Many people who consumed coffee in the morning or early afternoon with the aim to make them more concentrated or more alert while doing various jobs or activities. Indeed coffee can provide a variety of health benefits like making the body more energized or help the process of burning fat better, however, we should not consume excessive coffee because if we do, there are some negative effects for the health of the body such as the following.

Creating a faster heart rate
Health and nutrition expert dr. Jansen Ongko, MSc, RD, says that excessive coffee consumption could make the heart rate tends to be faster. In some cases, there are experiencing heart palpitations. If you include the people who have heart health problems, it is better not to consume coffee in order to avoid such problems.

Trigger an increase in stomach acid
If we include the people have heartburn disturbance, we should be careful in consuming coffee. In the coffee turns out there are compounds like catechol or caffeine can increase stomach acid production significantly so if we consume them with excessive fear can make the stomach to be uncomfortable?

make nervous
The caffeine content in coffee could actually make a person prone to nervousness, headaches, insomnia, up to emotional disorders.

Increases the risk of stroke and heart attack
A study whose results were published in the medical journal called the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, released in 2002 ago, says that consumption of more than five cups of coffee per day will increase the risk of damage to the blood vessels. This will certainly increase the risk of stroke and heart attack significantly.

9 Tips How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

9 Tips How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy - Kidney is one of the vital organs in the body that serves as the excretory system in humans. In the body there is a pair of kidneys that is located in an area near the waist. A size of an organ of a human kidney about 10 cm and a weight range of more than 200 grams.

Kidneys play an important role in regulating the acid-base balance, regulation of blood pressure, stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells, helps maintain calcium for bones. Once the magnitude of kidney role for our body, we have to maintain the health of our k
idneys. Here are tips on how to maintain healthy kidneys:

1. Adjust your diet
This is a powerful tips care and health care of your kidneys. Choose foods such as fruits, vegetables planted without fertilizer (organic), and stay away from processed foods, reduce excessive salt intake, and consume fish or white meat without fat.

2. Get Active
Your kidneys can be maintained with the most convenient way, ie physical activity. You must be active and do not idle, because of your health can be maintained only by the familiar moving the body.

3. Maintain Weight Loss
Belly sagged due to fatty deposits can lose your confidence if you're chatting with a friend. In addition to affecting your emotional state of excess body weight (especially obesity) is not good for health because the body organs will work harder to scrape the fat stacks, including the kidney that over time will make it a weak performance.

4. Stay away from alcohol and avoid smoking
You smoke tobacco daily will damage the lungs and kidneys. Besides cigarettes (and alcohol) is also a major cause your body to various diseases horrible, one kidney.

Read Also: Breast Cancer More Benign Against Men
5. Control Blood Pressure
Kidney disease is triggered from high blood pressure. Over the last five years in the data obtained from the IRR which reveal that as much as 35% of kidney disease caused by high blood pressure.

6. Drink Water
Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. It's very good for the care and health care of your kidneys.

7. Avoid Stress
Stress attack you make the blood pressure to rise and as previously described, if the blood pressure is high then your risk of developing kidney disease becomes greater.

8. Diligent Exercising
Exercising regularly is the easiest tips to maintain the health of your kidneys. in this case can be done such as walking or running every morning.

9. Avoid Some Drugs Antibiotic and Anti Pain
Try not to consume or even avoid some antibiotics and anti-pain medication. This is because you can damage your kidneys or your doctor about the use of drugs to a specialist first.

Health becomes an invaluable treasure for us. This can be a time when we feel pain conditions. For if we are sick to spend time and cost is not small. Therefore, we should keep our body health.