Sabtu, 15 April 2017

Drinking Coffee Can Provide redundant Bad Impact Following this

Drinking Coffee Can Provide redundant Bad Impact Following this - Many people who consumed coffee in the morning or early afternoon with the aim to make them more concentrated or more alert while doing various jobs or activities. Indeed coffee can provide a variety of health benefits like making the body more energized or help the process of burning fat better, however, we should not consume excessive coffee because if we do, there are some negative effects for the health of the body such as the following.

Creating a faster heart rate
Health and nutrition expert dr. Jansen Ongko, MSc, RD, says that excessive coffee consumption could make the heart rate tends to be faster. In some cases, there are experiencing heart palpitations. If you include the people who have heart health problems, it is better not to consume coffee in order to avoid such problems.

Trigger an increase in stomach acid
If we include the people have heartburn disturbance, we should be careful in consuming coffee. In the coffee turns out there are compounds like catechol or caffeine can increase stomach acid production significantly so if we consume them with excessive fear can make the stomach to be uncomfortable?

make nervous
The caffeine content in coffee could actually make a person prone to nervousness, headaches, insomnia, up to emotional disorders.

Increases the risk of stroke and heart attack
A study whose results were published in the medical journal called the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, released in 2002 ago, says that consumption of more than five cups of coffee per day will increase the risk of damage to the blood vessels. This will certainly increase the risk of stroke and heart attack significantly.

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